I don't have any tips for frozen food, but I DO for morning sickness. I am in the throws of it right as I type, and these have helped me a lot:
1. Sea bands--little black wrist bands you buy at a drug store that have acupressure points. THESE WORK. I PROMISE.
2. Zofran-- if you have insurance, have your Doctor prescribe this miracle anti-nausea pill. It truly takes a significant edge off.
3. Tums/Anti-acid--This one took experiencing it to believe it. I don't take it when I have heartburn (because I don't have that yet), but when I feel nausea. IT WORKS. This may be obvious to you, but it wasn't for me. I am grateful I finally tried it.
i tried the seabands...they're crap. i'm already on zofran, but have not tried tums. thanks for the tip!