Monday, March 22, 2010

Life is getting in my way

I'm feeling overwhelmed and uninsprired.  I'm sorry I have nothing fun to share.  My life is getting in the way of my fun.  Therefore I have no things to love and share.  I do howerver love you.  I am definitely planning to come play on Saturday.  I'll leave here around 10-ish (which really probably means 11:00).  So truly, I should say I'll leave here at 9:00!  I'll bring a nice stack of magazines for your viewing pleasure and we will spend the day on the couch.  It will be lovely.  Do you want me to pick up anything on my way down?  A delicious beverage or anything like that?

Jill signature


  1. i'm very excited to have you come dwell on the couch with me. i forgot that i have YW coming over at 3 for a "light lunch" prior to going up to conference in Salt Lake. I don't have to do anything for it, they just needed a house to have it at. I figured you would be about done with me by then anyway...sick-prego-nell is not nearly as funny or cool or sassy as regular nell.

  2. i'm not trev....just didn't want to go to the hassle of changing it

  3. well, I just remembered that I think I have a haircut at 10:00 that morning, so I might actually get there closer to 11:30 or 12:00 which could still leave me there at 3:00. Would that be a problem if I was still there?

  4. prob. come anyway. totally
